Monday, February 20, 2012

The Knowing-Doing Gap

I am not stupid. But sometimes even when I know what is good for me, and I choose it, I instinctively do the complete opposite. I scream at myself on the inside, but you'll see me smiling my way through a bad decision. With charm. And teeth.

For some people, it's reaching out for that ice cream even when they're doing really well on their diet. For others, it's procrastination on an important assignment even though the TV show is pretty boring.

And for me, it's going down the path of least resistence when relationships are on the line. Then I waver. Seesaw. Teeter. Toter. Eventually, I choose what I feel is right and stick to it. By that time, I'm dizzy and nothing makes sense anymore. And I'm stuck.

I hate choosing sides.

Gosh. Sorry. It's hard to love me.

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