Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Don't Embargo My Love

Never thought I would spend Valentine's Day with the guy whom I just wrote an aggressive blog post about (whom? who? ugh).

But that's how karma works I guess.

A good friend of mine in the HR department wanted to do dinner with me since her boyfriend lived in another city. She also invited sales guy along. I didn't know. So we ended up sitting in an awkward triangle, with flickering romantic tea lights in the middle. He grilled me about my dad's job, my passports, and the guy who walked me to work one day. My friend and I kept smirking at each other over our spicy Thai noodles. Towards the end, I wasn't even sure who was the third wheel - sales guy, HR girl, or me. Probably me.

I enjoyed myself, oddly. Sales guy left me alone, channeling his predator instincts towards the gaggle of shy, single girls at the speed dating event at our mall.

So, sales guy upstairs, I guess this is my way of saying that you're ok.

And hopefully nothing else noteworthy will happen that will make me blog about you again.


This made me smile yesterday. It reminded me of kindergarten. Or of college.

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