Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I've only ever asked four or five people about the legendary Econometrics class (or Stats) that all IR majors have to take. One was in the middle of throwing his papers onto the floor and stomping on them. The other simply burst into tears. While it was by no means a representative sample where n > 30 and I can compute a z-score and p-value, it was enough for me.

So, I procrastinated it till the one of the last semesters of my college career. And I promised that I wouldn't cry over it. And to recycle my old assignments in a civil manner.

On the first day of my Econometrics class, somebody asked how hard the class would be. The professor smirked and threw up a slide with quotes from previous students:

"I spent more than twenty hours a week on this class."

(The following one is the professor's favorite)

"Imagine getting kicked in the face while doing incline push-ups in the mud. That is pretty much how I felt taking this class. It was the most intense class I have ever taken, and at some points made me consider taking up drinking. I get anxious just walking past the MARB now because of this class."

Sadistically, I've enjoyed it so far. But I don't think people around me have. The mean amount of time I spend talking to people about stuff not related to econometrics, Golden Key, TA job, and church is probably 15 minutes, with a standard deviation of five minutes.

But I'm reaching the point where the trade off of immaculate weekly projects and relationships is getting too steep.

And I already broke one of my promises.


Yet another all-nighter, here I go.

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