Wednesday, January 9, 2013


The week after New Years is always filled with delicious determination, a little guilt, and a few shelved promises. I like hearing about other's resolutions because it's like asking What's on your iPod? back in high school - you're learning something intimate about who he/she is without seeming like an over-eager stalker (that's what facebook is for).

Since I've been swapping peeks of resolutions with various friends, I'll just share a few of mine:

I want to make my decisions without fear.

I will study and conquer the GMAT and then apply to MBA programs in the fall.

I {just might} fit in some vague form of exercise every week. (In fact, I somehow found myself the newest member of the local walking club today. Yeah. We walk. For four hours every Saturday.)

I want my family to know that I actually care because I'm taking the effort to call, listen and share.

I will read 60 books this year and write a little something every day. 

I want to be kinder, going beyond simple hellos to cleaning ladies or Let me pick it up for you to strangers. I will try to take time to do 3 acts of niceness each lasting for at least 3 minutes every day. 

I want to marvel more. Paris. Israel. Japan. San Francisco. Hong Kong. Beijing. Boston + Chicago will be on the wish list. Italy as well? 

And other more personal ones.

Japan is tempting me. Two friends there = two reasons to visit. 
My bank account will not like it at all.

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